Trilobed Adenia is a climber many feet long, hairless.
Leaves are remote, membranous, broadly heart-shaped at the base, deeply
3-lobed; the lobes lanceshaped, main-nerves 5, palmate, 15-20 cm long,
11-16 cm broad. Leaf-stalks vary from half as long to nearly as long as
the leaf-blades. Flower-cluster-stalks are slender, smooth, round, in
leaf-axils, longer than the leaf-stalks, umbels to cymes. Flowers are
few, 7-12 mm long, the females somewhat longer than the males.
Sepal-cup is tubular, sepals short, oblong, somewhat pointed. Petals
are narrowly oblong, inserted near the base of the sepal-cup-tube.
Filaments united into a tube springing from the fundus of the
sepal-cup. Staminodes in female flower are united into a membranous
cup. Fruit is oblong, scarlet, from 5-6 cm long when ripe, and 3.5-4 cm
in diameter. Trilobed Adenia is found in E. Pakistan, Himalaya to NW